Monday, 3 October 2011

Poke! Baby born in bathtub!; Social media making us stupid (3rd October 2011)

A rather slow start of news reports for the day here. But isn't it nice to have your baby born while you're taking your bath in the the tub? The second-time Mum Chloe McDermott has just experienced water-birthing while she's soaked in her relaxing tub time. Earlier that day, the couple went to the hospital and check if she's ready to give birth, however since she contraptions were too far apart, she was sent home and she took a 2 hour soak in her bath tub.
"I had a few contractions and then it felt like something burst. I realised my water had broken and then I just had this weird feeling it was happening. Within a minute Dan had rung the ambulance and my Dad came in to help me and I pushed twice and she slid down the bottom of the bath."
I came across a few reports of the benefits of water-birthing and the consensus believes that giving birth while laying yourself in a tub full of water helps ease the stress and pain while delivering, and it's beneficial for both the nerborn and the mother, too. Natural births in hospital usually looks bloody and incredibly painful as you might have seen the scenes from movies, and I guess if I start my family in the future, I might consider this choice... Oh, I mean I'll convince my wife to consider this choice!

Social networks are making people lazy and stupid []
Looking back at my father's generation, I wonder where they usually get information from. TV? Too expensive to get one; Radio? Probably, and usually it's the most common way back then. They tend to discuss about things they don't understand with parents, having talks about bits and pieces happening in the world around them, and  get to learn something important after that. Now look at our generation: Facebook, Twitter, all sort of that stuff. Yes! Information is all around us, you always feel overwhelmed after coming back from a few-day trip without checking the news feed and you started to panic for no reason. Besides, because of the never-ending rush of information coming at you, you basically have no time to process the information and think about it. You don't need to decide things anymore since the information has done so much to help you from day-to-day chores and decisions.
"(Social media causes) laziness – that we just feel we’ll just get more information and we don’t need to have ideas ourselves – we’ll get ideas from someone else, we don’t need to look at the data we’ll just see what someone else has said and so on."
With all those informations you've got, what use are you putting them in? Information itself is meaningless, unless you would process it and use it in the right place. Children nowadays stops thinking that much so that leads to laziness and even unemployment. We should not let ourselves died out like that. We should teach our children to think. Just think about everything. In the article, Edward De Bono says "Teaching thinking for just five hours to unemployed youngsters increased employment 500 per cent", and I believe it's unbreakably true. People should stop pitying themselves saying "poor me, poor me...", and get their legs walking and use their brains more. Absorbing information is good, but you have to know how to use them wisely.


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