Thursday, 4 August 2011

Poke! What I've read today! (4th August 2011)

"Poke", a daily nudge to your brain to refresh you on news and posts, looking at what I read as I have my breaky/brunch/whatever in front of my desk while watching funny YouTube videos.

Teenage girl is freed from bomb, and police found that it's an elaborate hoax [Courier Mail]
That means there is actually no "bomb" inside the bomb. Last night was intense and everyone who're following the latest news couldn't imagine what if the bomb really went off. Lucky for the girl, and looks like the criminal is in big trouble. But what is his motives? Let's find out as the police investigates.

[Video] Somalians moving to Kenya as famine and drought getting worse [Brisbane Times]
The most serious famine for over 20 years has forced Somalians to move to Kenya so that they will get aid and support from International organisations. Some of the weaker ones died during their walk through the vast plains because of food shortages and thirst. Horrible stuff.

Bligh's 18-year old son featuring in a government ad, and she had to pay for it to get rid of him fearing of nepotism [Courier Mail]
Not in the "top" news but I thought I'd like to share it. The funny thing is though, the parents didn't know he was an extra in that particular advertisement. And she had to pay for almost two grand to get the editors to cut out the part where his son is featured in the footage. Irony...


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