UGU!! Royal Queensland Dog Show! [Brisbane Times]
I love dogs. I love dogs, but honestly, I have mixed feelings about dog show. One thing is, even though I have a dog now (I have one back in Hong Kong) I wouldn't take him to dog shows just to get a meaningless award. Well, he won't understand what that is, so what's the point letting him/her entering the contest? But nonetheless, it's a great venue to look at different dog breeds and their trainers, but I don't really like the fashion dog show part. It disgusts me.
Chain effect, anger at school at toilet trial, kids had to hold on their pee to avoid whole class toilet break [The Age]
This ridiculous news came from Kew Primary School, from eastern Melbourne, where the school trials having the whole class to have a toilet break when one student has to go. In order to save time and not hassle other students the children decided not to go to the toilet, making them wet their pants and have trouble peeing/pooping, also known as constipation. This is outright inhumane and stupid, pulling a stunt on the kids' health and wellbeing. That's a shameful act for whatever school is doing this to their students.
Blood test tells parent their baby's gender as soon as 7 weeks [Popular Science]
A new study has done many anxious parents' favour who want to know their babies' gender sooner. Now, it is possible, with doing a simple blood test to analyse whether fetal chromosome Y is present in the mother's blood. If it's present, that means the fetus may probably be a boy; if not, it might mean the blood test didn't contain it, or it is a girl. It also helps parents to avoid genetic diseases which will pass on a specific gender. Beneficial! But on the other hand, some might worry for some developing countries where female is an undesired gender in their perspective. Fret not! Because basically the tests are not sold in these countries. And even so, they will makes parents sign a waiver saying they are not using it for that purpose.
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