Sunday, 21 August 2011

Poke! Bones and shoes; Gen-'cut-and-paste'; kid's thought (21st August 2011)

So I was thinking, does writing comments for 3 stories a day really help my critical thinking and writings skills? So, from now on, I will try to write more "focus" series, or make "Poke" section longer, and I have to do something to make the titles interesting!

Bones found at Daniel's search site [Courier Mail]
I've been watching the development of the Daniel Morcombe case every day. Now, here's another breakthrough after discovering a pair of identical pairs! Now, police has found bones and after a preliminary forensic analysis conducted on the bones, they confirmed that the bones are of human remains. More breakthroughs are good things. I hope this case can be closed as soon as possible. Again, let's thank the police and volunteers!

Misleading sites led to students misunderstanding with misinformed info [Brisbane Times]
Spoof website boasting male can get pregnant.
Well, here's a thing: Nowadays, schoolchildren are very innocent, and they never go to libraries to look for resources for their projects. They tend to search related keywords online to get everything done with computers. Yet, not all information on the Internet is true. Sometimes students are even taught with misleading facts making them ended up misinformed and as they wrap up the project, they might summarise inaccurately and now the kids are warned to stop being a generation of 'cut-and-pasters'.

Research is important but we have to teach the children about critical thinking, differentiate bogus website providing biased information and check the authenticity of the websites. In that way, students will not be learning wrong aspects of a, historical event, if you will, that one of the websites that promotes supremacism claimed Martin Luther King 'was a liar, cheat and drunk and should not be celebrated in a US national holiday.' I believe students shouldn't rely too much on Internet information as again, Internet is full of liars and traps, so be sure you're in a true website when researching.

Approximately 3 Minutes inside the head of my 2-year-old [Jason Good 365]
A funny snippet about how a toddler think and do in 3 minutes as depicted by his Dad. Look at how emotion drove through a toddler like a roller coaster! I love the fact that Jason actually enjoys his little son as he showed different actions while he's watching him. And since the attention span of a child was so short, you'll never know what comes next. These bits and pieces of life and humour makes me want to have a kid so bad!


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