Hi all, as a requirement for this course's assessment, I have now begun recording my media usuage since Sunday (14th August) and as far as now, I have logged roughly 2 days and now I can see that I'm obviously spending a lot of time on the Internet as that was my (almost) only medium to get information from around the world, and the TV in the lounge room area isn't always turned on.
I have divided them into 3 sections: multimedia, circulation, and creation. I have to write blogs so that counts, and sometimes I will head out and take picture with my camera, and that also counts in the "creation" section. And for multimedia, it's everything, videos (notably from YouTube and Internet; TV shows and movies on my computer, oddly enough), music (songs that I own), Podcasts (I have multiple subscriptions on iTunes so this would be quite a large proportion for me), and general browsing/surfing the web (Facebook which I don't really dig into; reading news online; and many more text and pictures!!)
Let's see how much time will I spend on different kinds of media and how much percentage will each of them represents!
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