Friday, 5 August 2011

Focus: Lecture - First lecture!! (Week 1)

Oh, I should have mentioned about the first week's lecture before the 2nd one! But well, the first lecture was started before the blog so here it goes!

The first lecture by Bruce was fun as. Mainly because for a rookie like me who hadn't even started to understand the basics of journalism, I found all the ideas and thoughts are fresh and provoking. My expectations before I took the course was so great and now it's even getting greater!

Here's a very brief quote from Henry R. Luce, who was an influential publisher, said, "I became a journalist to come as possible to the heart of the world." And I thought, hey, that is so true. The spirit of journalism is to get into the very fabric of social life, and telling people about it in every accurate fact possible. Understanding every aspect of the world, on how people connect and create a new story.

But with the recent years, so much noise is around journalism making it become a side-job or if you will, a dirty job. Tabloids, sensationalism, and gossip stories are, in my opinions, polluting the whole ecosphere of journalism, and I understand without them, people might not be interested on reading something that is originally boring and tedious. But for me, journalism is a very high standard profession and people shouldn't take the job lightly. I believe after this lecture, and of course after this course, I might learn a few things and reflect this in my mind.

Overall, I think it is a very fascinating class for me and I'm so lucky to be in one part of it!


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